Economic Indicators of Pontianak Municipality 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pontianak Municipality

Pontianak Municipality in Figures 2024 has been released and can be accessed on publication page or click here.

Economic Indicators of Pontianak Municipality 2016

Catalog Number : 9201001.6171
Publication Number : 61710.1719
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 6, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5 MB


The Economic Indicator of Pontianak Municipality 2016 is one of the publications that presents the macro economic statistics such as the GRDP figures, the economic growth rate, the inflation rate, the import-export, the loading and unloading, the investment, the regional finance, the development of accommodation services, the tourist visits and the development of the banking sector.
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