Businesses Fare Structure for Rice and Corn 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pontianak Municipality

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Businesses Fare Structure for Rice and Corn 2014

Businesses Fare Structure for Rice and Corn 2014Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 23, 2014
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Total cost per season for one hectare of paddy rice harvested area of Rp 7.6 million. Component production costs businesses paddy crop is greatest expenditure on wages of workers and agricultural services, which reached 65.42 percent of the total cost or Rp 5.0 million.
Total cost per season for one hectare of maize harvested area of Rp 6.2 million. Production cost components business corn crop is greatest expenditure on wages of workers and agricultural services, which reached 56.20 percent of the total cost or Rp 3.5 million.
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