In December 2011 inflation rate of Kota Pontianak at 1.15 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pontianak Municipality

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In December 2011 inflation rate of Kota Pontianak at 1.15 percent

In December 2011 inflation rate of Kota Pontianak at 1.15 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 2, 2012
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Inflation that occurred in December 2011 due to an increase in the index in five (5) types of expenses and a decrease in the index of 2 (two) groups of expenditure. Increased expenditure groups ie group index Foodstuffs index rose by 2.28 percent, the group Food, Beverages, Cigarettes and Tobacco by 0.29 percent, the group Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Fuel was 0.78 percent , the group Education, Recreation and Sports of 0.18 percent, and the group of Transport, Communications and Financial Services at 2.23 percent. While the group that index declines by -0.38 percent Clothing and Health group by 0.15 percent.
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